Self-Inflicted Obsession

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Recently I've become so obsessed with taking all these online tests that I thought I would just make a separate page to put my results up on. And here it is, the results wonders of the Internet, aka online quizes, posted for all the world to see. It is just another way to learn more about the person behind this rather odd site.

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                  to find out what robot you really are

"I AM 40% GEEK.
I probably work in computers, or a history department at a college. I never really fit in with the "normal" crowd. But I have friends, and this is a good thing."
~this is according to a geek test that you can take. Just click the link below the picture.

Take the GEEK Test at Fuali.com!

I'm 56% Goth. (who knew?)
Oh My Goth! You Goth, Girl. Freakiness pumps through my veins, but I can still laugh at myself.

Take the GOTH Test at Fuali.com!

I am pretty addicted, but there is hope. I think I'm just well connected to the internet and technology, but it's really a start of a drug-like addiction. I must act now! Unplug this computer!

Take the INTERNET-ADDICT Test at Fuali.com!

You are 49% Grunge.
What's this? The longest you've been without a shower is three days? Not even close, man. You should go sit out in the rain for a week.

"I'm 18% Punk.
It's not a fashion craze, or even a cool thing to do. I should just swallow it, get Lost, and take my friends with me."
Funny thing is, I never claimed to be a punk...so how can I be a poser? It is to ponder. I just like the picture of the Poser guy.

Take the PUNK/POSER Test at Fuali.com!

You are 32% EMO.
Not quite Emo
Hmm.. i suggest you stopped listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that you stopped looking at your shoes, how's the real world look?

"YOU ARE 41% Metal-Head.
Most other metal-heads acknowledge your presence, but they laugh at you behind your back. Maybe you need to stop spending all that money on haircuts and invest in a few Pantera T-shirts."
I find this odd because I answered the questions truthfully and I'm not exactly a Metal fan. Weird...

Take the Metal-Head Test at Fuali.com!


What's Your Celeb Look?
Sultry Look
Who's that out way past her bedtime? You and your Sultry Look are no strangers to the nightlife. Chances are very good that you'll be caught wearing something that shows off your figure but still keeps 'em guessing. Decked out in dark mascara, deep ruby lipstick, and the most daring of dos, you're cutting loose and capable of causing the best kind of trouble. It's ladies like you who know how to take sexy right to the edge and back again. Like your celebrity soul sisters, Jennifer Lopez, Charlize Theron, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, you've got no problem showing off your assets for the crowd and letting them know just how beautiful you can be. After all, when you know how to work it, why not use it?


The Ultimate Personality Test
You like television. You don't like drawing attention to yourself red platform shoes or flamboyant, sequined outfits are out of the question. A perfect evening for you means a cozy chat with a good friend and a pint of Haagen-Dazs. Like all mellow folks, you're not too into serious soul mining. You'd rather just relax than freak out about yourself. Where to go for lunch is enough of a decision for you.


What's Your Stress Style?
You're a Soother. When trouble strikes, you somehow seem to avoid being hit. Those around you may encounter crises, of course which is when you launch into action. You're best at helping others ease their stress, offering a kind word or a well-timed "everything's going to be okay." You're a walking affirmation!


Which Party Animal Are You?
Not one for the spotlight, you're often content to listen and observe at parties. You're an introspective, friendly Koala who enjoys taking in the social scene with her honey now and then. You're a great listener, so other party-goers love talking to you and appreciate your encouraging smiles. But, all things considered, you'd just as soon be cuddling up at home. Not that you don't enjoy being around big groups of people it's simply not something you need to do every night. You're happiest in your comfortable tree, surrounded by your familiar eucalyptus leaves and the ones you love.


What Breed of Dog Are You?
Basset Hound
No bones about it, you're a friendly, easy-going Basset Hound. Laid-back and very low-maintenance, "down time" is your favorite activity you treasure the moments when you don't have anything on your agenda except plopping down on the couch for a night of "Must-See TV." Although you're always gunning for low-key evenings, you're really a pretty social pup and a snap to get along with. Sure, some folks might misinterpret your relaxed attitude and lifestyle as laziness, but those who really know you think your no-frills approach to life is refreshing. No daily planner? No itinerary for the evening? No problem! Woof.


Career Makeover
For you, the world is like one giant puzzle, just waiting to be solved. In your undying quest for the truth, you're best at finding solutions to complex problems. Lucky for all of us, though, you love to share your brilliant thoughts. Your keen analytical skills and understanding of others makes you a vital player in the think tank. You thrive on the collaborative problem-solving process, could trouble shoot for NASA, and won't rest until the questions are answered. The world could use a few more divas like you.
Who's like you:
Madeline Albright (former U.S. Secretary of State)
Likely careers:
Psychologist, lawyer, market researcher, military strategist, PR strategist


What's Your Monster Match?
You're a fun loving prankster, always with a joke up your sleeve. That's why your monster match is a ghost. Your bag has more tricks than treats, but you can take it as well as you can dish it out. You're a witty spirit who loves a good hoot. Part ghoul, part Beetlejuice, you are the ghost with the most, the phattest phantom, a real graveyard smash.
You ghosts take care. You love getting a good behind-the-door scare almost as much as you love giving them, but those with bad tickers and tempers might not appreciate your spooky sense of humor. Use your inner poltergeist sparingly and you'll never have to worry about getting "busted."


Who's Your TV Family?
The Addamses
Cue the finger snaps and haunted mansion scenes your family is most like everyone's favorite creepy, kooky, fun-loving clan, The Addamses! Yup, that's right. Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, and Uncle Fester (and even Grandma, Lurch, and Thing) are your family's TV soulmates. Trust us, that's a good thing. Because even though they're as nutty as fruitcakes, the Addamses are close and loving in their own special way. How many other families can boast of a mom and dad who can't keep their hands off each other after several years of marriage? Okay, so maybe that's not exactly where your family's similarities with the spooky, mysterious crew come in maybe your family just likes dressing in black. But we stand by our argument that it's good to be The Addams Family. Just don't ask what's cooking for dinner...

Are You Evil?
Well, you're kinda evil. They haven't reserved a place for you in Hell yet, but the leasing agents are starting their calls. (Sorry, no air conditioning.) If you're interested in recanting the evil thing, sensitivity counseling isn't a bad idea. Or else find a more sadistic career, like a bouncer or a metermaid. But hey, to each his own, and if your evilness fits, wear it.
Okay, admit it sometimes you'd rather avoid face-to-face conflict. Being up front about any concerns as soon as you have them, rather than letting them build up and turn into, say, a tire-slashing incident, is a good thing. And it sure beats getting a reputation as someone with a taste for revenge. Sure, you probably wouldn't make a very good bouncer, but that's okay. Take comfort from the fact that, overall, we think you're just swell.
We're not going to say you're a bad person, but you're toeing the line.

Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert?
You're not about to move into a shack in remote Montana all by yourself, but then again, you'd rather do that than be bugged all the time about how you're feeling or what you're thinking about. That's because you're much more of an introvert than an extrovert. What does that mean? Well, we're guessing you usually try to keep a low social profile (it's handy being your own best friend, after all). Chances are you feel like you know enough people, and you don't go out of your way to meet new ones. But that doesn't mean you don't go out and let loose every once in a while, especially if you're in the company of your core group of close friends. A few of those is all anyone really needs anyway, right? And most nights a good book and a glass of wine beats even your nearest and dearest hollow.

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
Well, everything's not quite roses and teddy bears for you, but you do tend to look on the bright side of life (we can hear those Monty Python boys whistling right now...). Sure, you sometimes bitch and moan about your problems (who doesn't?), but deep down you're pretty sure that everything will eventually turn out fine. When the weather man says it's going to be sunny, you leave your umbrella at home. In general, you like to be around people, and you try to make new friends when you can. You do your best to take things at face value, rather than making mountains out of molehills. Basically, the world is sort of like a big coconut to you: tough and hairy on the outside, but, when you get down into it, there's good stuff inside.

Are You a Slacker?
Hey -- you're no slacker. You're just fronting. Lucky for you, you're not too uptight either. You've struck that wonderful balance between slacking off and keeping busy. It's not an easy task, so congratulations. Your efficiency and determination let you work in a timely manner. And that laid-back approach means that you'll never get too stressed out. Sometimes you're pulled in two different directions, but you know how to handle it. You can take control of a situation without strangling it. This healthy style of work will lead to both success and happiness. What more could you want?

Are You Loony?
To borrow a phrase from Forrest Gump, loony is as loony does. You know how true that is in fact, you've embraced it. Because while you certainly have your moments of insanity, you know when to say when. Sure, you get a kick out of occasionally doing and saying things other people think are goofy or off-the-wall you're a real sucker for being the center of attention now and again but there are plenty of times when you'd just as soon be calmer and more serious. The same goes for expressing your emotions. No stranger to strong feelings, you choose your battles and control your highs and lows, saving your emotional outbursts for when you need them most. Not nearly as nutty as a fruitcake but maybe giving Pralines 'n' Cream a run for its money you're the perfect mix of impulse and restraint.

Are You Millionaire Material?
You work hard for your money, but it just never seems to make you any richer, right? That's because you're just regular folk, baby. And that's A-okay. Really. Maybe you're not the best financial manager ever to walk the earth, but chances are money's not really all that important to you. So what if your job has never made anyone rich? You don't care. If you'd wanted to be rich, you'd have had to make that your number one priority and forget about lots of other things like having fun and spending lots of time with family and friends. It's better to enjoy yourself while you can than spend your time drooling over a bank balance. Sure, you probably wish life wasn't such hard work and that one of those lottery tickets would finally pay off, but all in all we know you're doing okay. Congrats!

Are You Naughty or Nice?
You're a Straight Arrow
You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand while your halo shines in the sun. Nah, we're just kidding. But you are an awfully good person. Sure, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stick to the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and-nudie-magazine crowd.

Do You Have a Sixth Sense?
Sixth sense? Wasn't that a movie or something? Okay, so you're not all that intuitive, but your answers tell us that you do trust your instincts when it counts. Ever find yourself ignoring perfectly decent advice from a friend for no good reason? Start to call someone, only to hear their voice not a dial tone on the line when you pick up the receiver? That's your intuition waving its hand in the air and trying to get noticed. So pay attention. We know it's not easy. After all, it's been said that humans are the only animals who train themselves not to trust their instincts. Intuition is often just a matter of keeping calm enough to listen to your inner feelings. In this hectic world, sometimes it's hard to catch anything besides "feed me" or "watch out for that car!" But the payoff for taking the time to listen to yourself can really buy you some happiness.

What Color is Your Aura?
We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Gold vibe. You couldn't ask for a better color a glistening gold aura is as good as it gets. A lively blend of yellow and orange, gold people are happy, playful, energetic, sensitive, and generous. Always up for adventure, you'd give a friend in need the shirt off your back. You're spiritual, too all those halos in old paintings aren't colored gold by coincidence. Almost childlike in the carefree, joyful way you live your life, you're popular and outgoing with your large circle of friends. Chances are you're so full of light and energy that you sometimes find it hard to sit still and chill out. Instead, you're constantly looking for excitement, no matter how risky or impulsive the occasion. Happy-go-lucky and always laughing, you truly are as good as gold.

What's Your Flavor?
Mmm ... peppermint! Crisp and refreshing, you're the flavor of candy canes and after-dinner mints everyone's favorite comfort candies. If you were a season, you'd be winter bracing and energizing, but cozy, too. Your honesty and forthright personality make people feel like they've known you forever they can't help but be drawn to your sweet, fresh nature. Perhaps a little old-fashioned, and occasionally shy, you're generally happy and well-liked. Traditional and invigorating, you're a truly tasty treat.


What's Your Superpower?
Say what? Your superpower is ANIMAL COMMUNICATION! Many people pretend to talk to their pets, but you can really, truly do it. Have you ever mimicked the monkeys or the penguins at the zoo? If you have, you're on your way to becoming a great animal communicator, just like Aquaman with his fishy friends. Some people think animal communication has to be vocal. Not so. Any superhero knows that mental telepathy is where it's at. So while barking at Fido might be fun, it's not the practice you really need. Instead, try thinking like an animal. When you get into the mindset of, say, a squirrel, you'll be able to truly communicate with one. Of course it's a two way street, because you'll be able to understand everything they say back, too. And they've got a lot to tell! Imagine talking to a walrus about the deep ocean or to an ant about life underground. Once you've perfected your superhuman gift, you'll never be without interesting conversation.

Who's Your Type?
Laughter is the way to your heart. A guy with a great sense of humor is definitely the one for you! You want a Goofball, someone who can laugh at himself and make you laugh, too. There's no bigger turn-off than a guy who takes himself too seriously. You know that if a guy is silly, he's generally self-confident and secure. Your man is a people magnet and everyone's favorite friend. There's never a dull moment with your jokester nearby. You crave excitement and laughter, and your goofball enhances those things in your life. You probably think life is too short to spend it without a smile. Your goofy guy will ensure that that doesn't happen his lighthearted and silly ways make everything a little bit brighter.


Who's Your Inner Rock Star?
Wow, your inner rock star is Bjork. You've charmed the world with your beautiful, zany, personal style. To say you're a member of the alternative set would be a gross understatement. You and Bjork define alternative in its purest form. You've got nothing to prove, it's your remarkably creative point of view that lets you make art from anythingart, music, politicswhatever makes you passionate. It's just who you are. You've got the courage to experiment with your style and career, and all the while remaining positively sweet and humble. You are as much a free spirit as they come. Celebrate your inner Bjork.


What Volkswagon Beetle Are You?
Your automotive alter-ego is the ultimate in control and independence. Why should you buy any old model off the lot when you can tailor your wheels to reflect your unique personal flair and individuality?
You're looking for the ultimate in understated automotive chic, the New Beetle Lowrider. Can't you see yourself cruising down the avenue with some cutie beside you, turning heads left and right? Made to order, you can take these classic wheels and make them all your own with the newest technology, colors, and amenities that reflect the real you.
As an old pro at making a fashion statement without ever saying a word, you can make this New Beetle as new millennium as you. Once again, you'll make your mark with style.


What Shoe Are You?
Easygoing Flip-flop
Ahh, whether reclining poolside with a frosty iced tea or making the Sunday rounds at the neighborhood brunch spot, you're one of the lucky ones. You're like an Easygoing Flip-Flop. You exude a sense of comfort, style, and calm that rubs off on those around you. Sure, you do a good job at work, but when it's time to play, you play (or unwind) hard. People look to you to add color at any social gathering. In short, you mix well with others and don't mind taking it slow to get to the heart of matters. Racing ahead is for other people.

What's Your Theme Song?
Dancing Queen
Whether it's throwing your own theme party or mixing it up on the karaoke stage, we can see you strutting towards the jukebox in platform, glitter boots and a skintight jumpsuit to the tune of your personal anthem, "Dancing Queen." You aren't just part of the scene, you make it. You anticipate the good stuff in life, and with a theme song like yours, you're sure to get a lot of it. Crown jewel of the 70s, this Abba smash is expected to raise spirits in just about any environment, from dance floor to kitchen floor, and full-blown party. Yours is the comfort food of theme songssteady and always welcome. Which is how your friends often view you. At your next soiree, it wouldn't surprise us if you danced with everyone for about 30 seconds, started a mambo line, then spun off to dance, jive, and have the time of your life as only a true Dancing Queen can.


What's Your True Color?
You're yellow, the color of joy and energy two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting color for a warm and inviting person you!


What's Your Perfect Car?
What do you care if your exhaust pipe drags a little on the pavement or if it takes a few tries to wheeze that motor to life in the morning? The car for you is a Beater, since you don't have time to worry about the quality of your wheels. We're thinking a 1970 Dodge Dart or a 1974 Chevy Nova maybe still painted its original salmon orange or moccasin brown. With over 100,000 miles on that odometer, it's been around the block more times than you can count, and there are some great memories buried in that cracked vinyl backseat. Besides being a testament to your laid back lifestyle, and that ironic take on life, you recognize how owning a beater is a great advantage on the road. Notice how other cars don't mess with you, knowing you wouldn't think twice about ramming them just to make a point. Maybe some will call it an eyesore, but your time-honored ride is just proof of your true individuality.


What's Your Number?
As a 4, you're no stranger to melodrama. What's that? Are those violins playing gently in the background? And like all good performers, you are in touch with a variety of your inner characters. You've got all the angst of an early '90s garage band, but fortunately it fuels your creative urges and helps you relate to others. When your friends aren't giving you a standing ovation, they're sharing their feelings because you really listen. 4s have an inner Vasco De Gama of sorts, as they fearlessly explore uncharted emotions within. As a Romantic, you enjoy emotion whether it's watching a sappy John Hughes film for the 20th time since high school or pursuing that mysterious lover who doesn't know you exist. But be careful, road kill just might take you a little longer than your friends to get over. (me here: anyone who knows me should get a kick out of that line!) And ending a relationship of any kind might send you straight into a depression you oblige with a healthy dose of Peter Gabriel or Enya. At your best, you can harness your emotions like few others to produce unique expressions of yourself. Your need to "feel" might lead you to commit risky acts that could hurt youumm fellow 4s J.D. Salinger, the Artist-who-can't-stop-changing-his-name-to-Prince, would you care to chime in? But trusting your self-knowledge gives you an advantage that others lack. All in all, it's not a bad gig being a 4.


Celebrity Matchmaker
Yee haw! Congratulations, y'all Texas charmer Matthew McConaughey is your celebrity match. Blond and beautiful, this laid-back good ol' boy has a melt-your-heart smile and soulful eyes. He's a fast-talker who sees himself as a salesman doubt he'd have to try very hard to sell himself to you! You can't resist his down-home twang or rugged good looks, not to mention his wild side. This bongo drum-playing bad boy likes to live life to the fullest, something the two of you have in common. He's all about living "in the now," a spontaneous, easy-going dude with plenty of moxie. So what if he's a little dazed and confused? You just know you could make him sit up and pay attention. Good luck!

Check out QuizBox for loads of fun, insightful quizes.

*The favorite room in your home is the bedroom:
You are an imaginative and colorful character. You believe in true love but until you find it, you'll have fun flirting. You attract people just by the way you talk. This can make insecure people feel jealous.

*Favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip:
You sincerely believe that everything around you is beautiful, even though other people may not notice. You are a determined person and set high goals for your life.

*The color of your car is white:
You are self-disciplined and take life very seriously. You like to handle difficult tasks because you are confident that you can do them well. Most of the time you achieve whatever you want.

*What does your pet tell people about you?
You love nature and freedom. You find rules and regulations to be an utter waste of time. When you feel that you are being controlled, you will try to escape. On weekends, you prefer to travel rather than stay at home.

*Your jeans and personality: Faded and Worn out jeans
People who adore old worn out jeans show that they are just plain simple, down-to-earth folks who aren't hung up with money or status symbols.

*The real you
You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
You don't really care about other people's feelings. You do things the way you want and usually think only about yourself. You are easy-going and love to have fun, but you can be irresponsible as well. You are not keen on serious discussions because they can make you remember that life isn't always about parties!
You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up; it's okay to have fun sometimes! When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.

*Are you nosy?
You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.

*How do you react?
You recover quickly from disappointment. But when you feel that things are going wrong, you will react immediately.

*Random "Pick One" test
Your future friend
You have a big sister confidence and leadership. So you friends are mostly vulnerable and always need your help. You can't resist helping these people and eventually you all will become good friends.

Your travel plan
In the future, you will often take overseas trips especially to modernized countries. You will get to explore Europe and North Asia like you always wanted.

Your future financial status
You are a big spender! You always spend on friends and luxury goods without feeling guilty. No matter how much you earn, you churn to match it. Your credit cards get thinner and thinner from frequent swipes. The figure in your bank account is not what you enjoy seeing.

The last period of your life
You can't stand being a lonely old lady so you will spend the last days of you life being a kind loving grandparent so that the kids will love to have you around.

*The rain (I chose candies and chocolates to fall from the sky)
This will tell about your marriage
You are far too young to think about wedding. Enjoy 10 or more years before thinking of walking through the aisle.

*Are you attractive?
You are extremely attractive to the opposite sex! You are not only good looking but your personality is also charming in many ways.
You know how to get along with people and can allocate your time well, thus you are always popular among the opposite sex.

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