Leeeegolas! My Prison Bitch!

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If you have ever seen the animated Lord of the Rings movie (which I wholeheartedly advise you to avoid unless you have suicidal tendencies or are an insomniac with oodles of time on your hands) then you might recall the first time we come across Legolas. Aragorn (whom Febreeze and I are convinced is an American Indian who forgot to put some pants on) leaps off his horse and cries "Leeeeegolas!" It's one of the greatest parts of the movie. A few moments after watching that part, I said something to my friend like "I'm not your prison bitch." And then I just randomly said "Leeeegolas! My prison bitch!" And it has been cracking us up ever since. So that is my explanation of the name of this page, for those of you who are pondering how much sanity is left in me. I assume you there is enough sanity left in me to get me through to December 19th when all hell will break loose and my sanity will flee in terror as Febreeze and I finally get to see Fellowship of the Ring.


Isn't this a much cooler picture than the funky looking cartoon one?


Dude, he's shooting two arrows...woah





Here's some other Lord of the Rings pictures that I liked as well.




Unfortunately for me, I do not own anything that has to do with Lord of the Rings (I do have some of the books, but that's it). Please do not sue me for sharing lovely pictures with everyone. Have a lovely hobbity or elfy day (whichever you prefer).