A Melted Avocado on the Shelf

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Learn more about the fascinating creature that is me.

For insight into the random thoughts and rants that enter my mind on a daily basis, check out my live journal or my dead journal. I'm fickle. I like having a wide array of things I can rant and ramble on.

Kt's Live Journal

Kt's Dead Journal

I go by many names, but the latest is this: "Accountant of Silly People Who Don't Like That Taste In Your Mouth." Here's another one I got at the same site: "High Empress Junior Grade of The Love Which Dare Not Speaketh Its Name." I think I like that one better than the first one. Want to find out what your name is? Click the link

Random Title and Name Generator


I have recently been christened "Wacko of the Highest Order" or as we who know the lingo say, a "WHO," by a friend who's name sounds so darn similar to Febreeze (now who could that be?). So I've gone and made a little banner proclaiming to the world that I am a WHO and I am not afraid to show it.
Anyway, moving on. Me...how to describe me. Take the sexxxiest female you know, multiply her by twenty million and that is not me.
I'm a little bit weird, a little bit odd, a little bit insane, a little bit different, a little bit abnormal, a little bit crazy, a little bit creepy, and a little bit psychotic. I'm a pyromaniac. Fire fascinates me. I don't set fire to people or houses or small animals, mind you, I just like to light matches, candles, plastic utensils, paper, my friends' hair...hmmm, I haven't done that yet. Ooo, there's a new idea. (Don't worry, friends who may be reading this. I abhor the smell of burning hair. Although, I would recommend you watch your hair if ever I start to mention that I have such a bad cold that I can't smell a thing...)


Sophomore year of college isn't so bad. I'm doing field experience required for getting a teaching degree. It breaks up the monotony, but the place I'm in is just so darn boring. It's not even the type of classroom I'm planning on being in. It's a special ed type room, but I'm Early Childhood/Elementary Ed, no Special Ed. But I guess it's helpful since I will probably have some of the special needs kids in my classroom. I just wish I had more to do and didn't feel like a moron sitting in the back of the room.


Those of you who don't know me (and I doubt there are many of you who don't know me actually visiting this site) should be informed that I adore Ewan McGregor. I recently found a site called Peeps that has a little Ewan dressed up like characters from the majority of his films. I thought they were totally cute and since it says on the site "Adopt a Ewan" I did just that. So you'll probably see little Ewan's in random places on this site. If you click on the little Ewan, it'll take you to the Adopt A Ewan website and you can get some of the cute little guys for yourself. But don't forget to give the creator credit and make a link to her page if you do adopt a Ewan!






My favorite bands as of now:

Beck (click his pic to get to beck.com)
The Crystal Method (click TCM logo to go to the site)
Gaelic Storm (click the pint to go to gaelicstorm.com)
Wise and Foolish Builders
movie soundtracks (they rock!)
Counting Crows
Janis Joplin
Loreena McKennit
The Doors
Steve Miller Band
and yes, I do like the Monkees
and many more

Things that amuse me and believe me, I am easily amused

anything shiny, sparkly, glittery or whatever
interesting and disturbing stickers from Hot Topic
Hot Topic
amusing buttons
how people on the Main Line laugh (according to me)
Snood (It's amazing how bad I am at it)
sitting on the roof
hanging out of car windows like a dog
grinning evilly at people
making everyone think I am quiet and innocent
wasting hours online doing nothing
dancing in the rain
singing in the car
writing down amusing quotes
collecting toys that I should be too old for

Things that I cannot stand:

*People who refuse to use their turn signals (dude, you can cut me off and I won't be mad, as long as you use the damn turn signal! How hard is it to turn on the stupid signal!? Arrrrgh!)
*People who drive in the left lane, doing the speed limit or under
*People out for a "Sunday" drive (aka the morons who do ten under the speed limit on roads where you can't pass them)
*Ignorant imbeciles
*People, in general, at times when I am in that certain state where anything will annoy me
*Smokers (why the hell do people smoke? It's not attractive and it makes you smell worse than a pig who just rolled in a pile of dung on a hot summer day)
*People who think that Harry Potter teaches children to become witches and wizards
*People who underestimate the intelligence of today's children
*People who keep nagging me to move out of my house. I will when I get enough money to get a damn apartment! Not everyone has their parents paying for their apartment.
*Parents who don't make their kids get a job. Yeah, I've been bitter about the fact that I have been working in the same job since May of 1996 (the end of my eigth grade year), but it definitely teaches responsibilty and crap like that. In the end, I guess I'm grateful my parents made me get a job and make me pay for my own stuff now.
*Teenyboppers and their stupid pop music. Whatever happened to real talent where people would write their own awesome songs and actually play their own instruments and deserve the title "Musician?" All these pop groups have today are supposedly good choreographers and supposedly great bodies which they flaunt by wearing as little as possible
*Pop "singers" who claim that their virgins and all goody-twoshoe-ish but when they get on stage, they are obviously skanky whores. Like people on a local morning radio show said recently, they give Madonna more respect than Britney because at least Madonna wasn't afraid to actually be her skanky whoring self offstage whereas Britney tries to pull off being a sweet little innocent southern belle. We all know about those southern belles...I will leave you to ponder that.

Excellent Movies:

The Princess Bride
all Star Wars
Indiana Jones Trilogy
Moulin Rouge
A Life Less Ordinary
Brassed Off
The Matrix
The Dark Crystal
Never Been Kissed
Ever After
Return to Me
Empire Records
Run Lola Run
Good Morning, Vietnam
Wayne's World
Iron Will
Stand By Me
and so many others that it'll take forever to list them all
and as you can see, I do love the cheese. To quote Broch, "It's gouda."