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These are just a few of my favorite artists websites. Check them out.

wise and foolish builders


The Crystal Method

Gaelic Storm

Addictive games online:

MSN Gaming Zone

And other fascinating things:

My live journal

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey....these are great, even if you don't remember them from SNL

Sign the Save Freakylinks Petition (even if you've never seen the show or the site, do it for the good of your country....and if you hate your country, do it to spite your country)

Useless Movie Quotes

The Wonderful World of Brochet (you might find me in pictures here)

Briege's brand-spanking-new site! Go go go!

Briege's Live Journal...click for some real life fun

Febriege...did you sneeze? God Bless You.

Go check out Carolyn's page...there's always some interesting rants

Another page by Carolyn...

Freak_o_Pedia (I miss Freakylinks)

Fuali.com...there's some fun tests and such here